Wednesday, October 31, 2012

World's Greatest Cornbread

Last night I made a beef stew that was delicious on its own, but was heavenly with the addition of this cornbread.  If you like sweet buttery things, you will LOVE this cornbread.  If you hate sugar, butter, and cake, then delete this email now, do not read on!

Alternative Parenting: The Basics

I am slowly becoming the alternative mama I always knew I would be.  This is in part due to circumstance but is also attributed to my love of being different and going against the grain. I could insert a handful of pictures of what I looked like through my "alternative" phase in high school.  Oooh, ummm on second thought, I may or may not have burned those pictures.

Friday, October 26, 2012

It's Friday!

Not only is it Friday but the rain has let up and the sun is out, the air is clear and finally the otherwise inept girl at Starbucks, actually made my hot chocolate correctly! And I'm not being mean just honest.  This girl has an attitude like nobody's business.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Let The Countdown BEGIN!

Well, technically the countdown has already begun but I'm serious now!

The baby shower was so much fun.  It was a Chicago Bears themed shower and everything turned out perfect.  From the football shaped rice krispie treats to the Walter Payton documentary playing in the background, the tailgate themed menu, and the paper footballs hanging from the ceiling, it was perfect.

Friday, October 19, 2012

73 Days and Counting!

I was a supermodel (a pregnant supermodel) this last Sunday!

Friday, October 12, 2012


I can't believe I did not mention this when it first happened.  I think it's interesting and it took me a while to make the connection.

Monday, October 8, 2012

It's Monday, FOR SURE!

You know, I really don't want to but I'm going to because it will make me feel better...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Things I Hear at 7 Months...

The Abbreviated List:

Are you expecting another baby?
This is as bad as asking if I'm pregnant.  What, the half-waddle and protruding stomach weren't enough to convince you?

Are you still running?
Not so bad if you're asking a marathon runner but, come on!

Monday, October 1, 2012

My Mind vs. Reality

I think we all have a somewhat warped perception of ourselves.  For example, skinny girls who complain about being fat or people with beautiful skin complaining about one measly blemish while the rest of us have pimples and zits for days.  This was heavy on my mind and caused me to laugh out loud last night as I shuffled (not in a cute way) downstairs to go to bed.