The funniest thing I heard this week from...
My husband: In response to my gripes about looking more fat than pregnant, "Don't hold in your stomach, it'll hurt the baby."
But this doesn't quite beat the comment he made when I was pregnant with our son. Upon returning from my very first prenatal appointment and giving my husband the rundown on everything the doctor and I spoke about, I mentioned her advice for me to stop digging in my ears or I would be deaf before too long. Which led my husband to ask, "Will it hurt the baby?" Needless to say there was a long pause and an even longer lecture from my husband on how you never know how digging in your ears can affect the baby. Huh?
My son: When asked if he'd like some Tabasco sauce (instead of hot sauce) for his eggs, "No, mommy why would you ask me that?" And while I stared at him quizzically he continued, "It gives you a hole in your throat and kills you." Tabasco sauce baby, not tobacco. Mommy would never offer you tobacco.
My daughter: When asked if she liked my homemade, grass-fed beef lasagna with spinach and lots of fresh veggies, "Not really." I didn't bother to ask why, my ego had been beaten and bruised enough as it was, I was in no shape to ask any more questions.
These are just a few of the funnies, there will be more! I love my life...
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