Thursday, August 2, 2012

I Feel Like Such A Cheese-Ball

To all of my faithful readers (mom and my homey in Seattle!!!) I just wanted to let you know how corny I am.  You know, I thought I could do better.  I expected more from myself.  I mean, after all I DO own an iPhone!  I was thinking about my next post, maybe a little motivational piece to encourage you all (mom and my homey in Seattle!!!) to comment on my posts.  This way we can get a dialogue going, we can lift each other's spirits when needed, and just basically swap good intelligent conversation.

There was only one problem, I HADN'T ENABLED COMMENTS ON ANY OF MY POSTS!  DUH!

So this here post is just an admission of cheese-ballish behavior on my part, and to let you know that I have since gone back and enabled comments on all of my previous posts.  And with that I say goodnight, I've got to go rest the tattered brain of mine.  I could blame my forgetfulness on the pregnancy but I'm afraid this blog has been around longer than 19 weeks.  Oh well.