Wednesday, September 19, 2012

It's A Good Day...

I am coming off of a four day weekend.  No, not that kind, unfortunately.  I got sick on Saturday and just returned to work today.  Colds are no fun but having a cold and being pregnant is pure, unadulterated torture.  I'm that natural, halfway Crunchy Mama who does not want to damage the gut flora of my unborn ball of cuteness.  So there I was, sprawled out on the couch watching back to back episodes of House Hunters and sipping tea.  It was horrible, too bad Golden Girls or The Jeffersons was nowhere to be found.

But, I am feeling so much better now.  Things are coming together for the baby shower, my underwear and bras are no longer cutting off my circulation, tomorrow is my birthday, and tonight my mom and I are going to see Mr. Anthony Hamilton in concert!  YAY!  Thanks to my darling husband for sending me on a date night with my one and only mama for some quality time together.  The night will be filled with laughter, my mom singing in too high a pitch--all the wrong words to all of Mr. Hamilton's songs, and hopefully something good to eat.  Then I'll get home, quietly tiptoe in to kiss my sleeping babes and hopefully get some cuddle time with my husband (only to have him wake me to ask if I can please stop snoring).

A quick note on how I am feeling:

2.  A little smarter than I was last week (more to come on that)
3.  Cool (as in body temperature--it's cooling down in Sac, only 88 today)
4.  Excited (I am excited for the baby shower that is coming soon and to see my little bambino!)
5.  Spicy!  I put on some red lipstick for the first time in 15+ years and didn't look like I'd just gotten punched in the mouth.

Until next time,


  1. The red lipstick is definitely your color; made your skin look great. Just think what I would have sounded like singing along Anthony Hamilton if I had drank a second glass of wine!!!!! I too can't wait until the baby is born....I love babies....especially my grandbabies. Have a wonderful birthday....see you tonight for dinner.

  2. Thank you mom, love you!

  3. I'm still sad I missed you and your red lipstick at the concert. :-(

    1. Me too, Malikka! Are you going to make it to the baby shower? If not, I will see you out somewhere soon cause I am trying to get my groove on before baby comes!


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