Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Let The Countdown BEGIN!

Well, technically the countdown has already begun but I'm serious now!

The baby shower was so much fun.  It was a Chicago Bears themed shower and everything turned out perfect.  From the football shaped rice krispie treats to the Walter Payton documentary playing in the background, the tailgate themed menu, and the paper footballs hanging from the ceiling, it was perfect.

Many thanks to all my friends and family who came out.  Now I have officially begun tracking the remainder of my pregnancy in weeks instead of months.  I have washed almost all of baby's clothes and folded them neatly only to find I really have no space for anything.  So the hunt begins for a moderately priced, high quality, all-wood dresser that will fit into my closet.

This time around, I got smart!  One day when I was doing some online "baby stuff" browsing, I remembered having to wake up in the wee hours of the morning to feed and burp a fussy baby, finding solace in the only place free of a snoring husband and lightly sleeping toddler--the rocking chair.  But, I got rid of that horrid, 1980's style rocker and did not want to purchase another after my daughter was weaned.  Instead, I opted for this hot little number that will look great even beyond the breastfeeding years.  Excited!

I wanted to share one of the most popular recipes that we served at the baby shower, Hot Cheesy Corn Dip.  I would normally have a picture of my own to share but it was devoured within minutes of setting it on the table, go figure.  My husband made his famous pulled pork sliders on sweet rolls with herbed butter and seasoned cucumbers.  YUM!  I also failed to get a picture of this but that's only because there was never a moment when everyone wasn't hunched over the pot for second, third, and fourth helpings!

Until next time, when I will hopefully have some pics to share, ciao!



  1. I love that rocking chair; it will be perfect for breast feeding and rocking Ezra to sleep. The baby shower was great and I'm happy you received so many wonderful gifts.

  2. I have an IKEA chair very similar to that one. It's amazing and my favorite thing in the house. Sorry I couldn't make the shower. :-( Glad it went well though!


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